I realize that having triplets is a very unique thing and we have never taken it for granted, in fact I would do it again. But I don't think something unique gives people the right to be rude. For example, no one would ask someone that had a singleton how they conceived the baby. Yet it seems to be okay for people to ask MOM about how they conceived. Now this question sometimes goes far beyond this, which thankfully we have not experienced.
The other statement that singletons get as well but a very different tone is used. It is the famous question of are you having more kids. For singletons it is asked excitedly like when are you having more, for MOMs it is asked more like a statement like you are not having anymore, are you?
There are many things said that we as MOMs can take the wrong way or have heard it a gazillion times and may just be fed up with it. For those comments it is easier to understand that people just don't know enough about multiples and us MOMs should take it with a gain of salt.
What I cannot stand is the rude comments. The guy that stood next to us at the 4th of July parade started out by staring and then proceeded to ask us if they were all ours, to which we replied yes (politely)...then he said twins...no, triplets (still being polite even though he is clearly an idiot)...to which he replies "you poor people". I think what bothers me most (and many other MOMs) is that comments are normally made to us when we have our children with us. Our kiddos may still be a little too young to understand but one day they will. Some MOMs have some great comebacks (some short and sweet, others are not so nice), but we are aware that our children are there and try to act appropriately for the situation. Quite honestly I was caught off guard with the comment and could only comeback with, not poor at all. Poor??? Far from it...we may not be rich financially but we are very rich with the children we have. We get three times the hugs, kisses, smiles, milestone achievements, etc, etc. Yes we also get three times the diapers, three times the tantrums, three times the talking back, etc., but that does not make us regret or love our children any less.
I still believe that not every person can be or are meant to be a parent of multiples. I also believe that what you go through in life makes you the person you are today. As most of you know I have no trouble discussing what we went thru, but this does not mean I should have to discuss it with the lady at the deli counter or the teen cashier at Walmart. I can let a lot of comments roll esp if made just to me. So as I step down from my soapbox, I ask these two things of all my readers...if you know a MOM or see one...instead of asking personal questions....tell her how lucky she is...or tell her how beautiful her kids are. Just think really...think of how you'd feel if someone said it to you...how would you feel. And PLEASE watch what you say in front of the kids...they have ears and feelings. For Alex, Liz and Zach...when you are old enough to be reading this...please know we have loved you since the moment we found out we were having all of you and nothing anyone can say will change that!
I step down now...thanks for reading this.
Here is a rare picture of me and the kids...right before bedtime and after a long day...
You are a great mom! and you do a great job with your kids! And anyone who knows them knows that they are three blessings with three very different little personalities!
Great post! The attention and the comments are very frustrating. Mine aren't old enough to know what people are saying, but soon will be. The next time someone says they feel sorry for me.....I am going to ask them WHY?????
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