The kids really love Blue's Clues, but Blue takes a back seat nowadays to Thomas, Thomas the Train that is. Jeremy picked up a Thomas video and the kids almost watch it daily...well I should say they watch some of it...we have yet to make it thru the whole thing. Many times is a a few minutes in that they move on to something else. But when Thomas first comes on it is total craziness in the living room. Today I turned around and could not help but take pictures of what I saw. They all hurried to the couch to sit. And then as if they could not contain themselves at different times one would get up and jump around, except Lexi she was waiting patiently for Thomas. LOL!
Friday, July 31, 2009
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Me and my boys
With being the photo-taking person I am, I usually am behind the camera and rarely in the photo. I took advantage of the boys cuddling with me today to get some self portraits. They may not be the best pictures but they are fun to take as you never know exactly where the camera is pointing. Love you boys!

Me and Alex
Zach and me
Me and Alex
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Monkeying around
The monkeys that we got at the zoo have been a huge hit. Tonight the kids were "monkeying" around before bedtime. First the monkeys were keeping the kids' back warm. They were all hammin' it up for the camera too.

Of course we have to try to get a group picture...and tonight was click them as fast as you can cause they were not holding still for long.
There were storms that moved thru the area so the sky was looking very colorful. The kids were very interested in it and I was able to get this cute shot...
Monday, July 27, 2009
Lions, Tigers and Bears, Oh my!
We have had this past Saturday planned since April and we were very excited for it finally to get here. Our first trip to a zoo!!! We went to the zoo in Madison that is free with Grover and Sarah. Grover is Alex's godfather as well as one of Jeremy's best friends, fraternity brother and Jeremy's bestman in our wedding. Sarah also went to Platteville. Anyways, we were very excited to hangout with them for the day as well as share the kids' first zoo visit. The kids all needed haircuts so before we got dresses I buzzed the boys' hair and trimmed Liz's bangs. Then after they were all dressed I could not help myself but to take pictures...tell me they are not cute!!!

Prior to leaving we had to deal with the potty training issue. The boys do not mind being in their diapers but Ms. Elizabeth wanted nothing to do with a diaper, so the training pants went on. We finally got on the road...late. After getting lost just a wee bit in Madison we finally got out of the truck and headed into the zoo.
We had small potty break where Liz changed her mind about the diapers. She tried to go on the big potties but talk about distractions...all the noises-other people talking, loud toilets flushing, hand dryers blowing, etc. etc. So after we switched it was time for lunch. Here Zach is trying to keep Alex from stealing his food.
Liz enjoying her hot dog, fries and milk.
Sarah giving Alex better viewing to see the lions.
Grover helping Zach see the lions. (I know it is blurry but I had to post it...too sweet not to)
Daddy showing the boys the sea lions.
Grover teaching the kids about the Rhinos.
Zach preferred to hold Grover's hand rather than daddy's.
Grover telling the kids about giraffes.
Alex and Liz checking out the camels.
Sarah and Grover trying to explain to the kids that we can't feed the goats as they had reached their ration quota for the day.
Alex asking Grover about flamingos.
All the boys discussing the rhea.
How about a ride on the carousel? Not a favorite of the boys but Liz had a blast!
Grover and Alex guessing the tortoise's age.
How about a family picture? Not too many of these around they are a rare!
The bear's posed nicely for me.
Polar bears are tall!!! What about my baby polar bears?
Alex is thinking you are not expecting me to put my head thru this, really???
Zach says...head thru you think I can climb all the way thru?
Liz says how can you not love a polar bear with this grin?
Coincidentally there were three Macaws that were talking really loud...hmmm...that is something we are familiar with.
Can't go to the zoo and not have an ice cream break...once we were done seeing the animals we took a rest.
Zach already eyeing up Alex's and he has not even started his
Three very tired orangutans...they did great for having a very short nap on the way to the zoo and being pushed thru their naptime.
We had the most wonderful day...and what better way to end it than with a present from the gift shop...monkeys...the very thing we talked about before we got to the zoo...I thought it to be quite circular.
We could not leave without a picture with Grover and Sarah. We, as a family, are so incredible lucky to have them in our lives. The kids were soooo comfortable with them, which always makes it easier on mommy and daddy. We will be making the trip to the Madison zoo as annual event for our two families. I am also happy that we waited to take the kids to the zoo until now...they were able to walk around or ride in the wagons. It just seemed to be the perfect time. Thank you Grover and Sarah for sharing this first with us. We could not have asked for a better day!
Friday, July 24, 2009
Update and candids
I have updated the blog so you will want to read going back to the "Carwash" post. Things have been very busy here. It seems like we have something planned each weekend, but it is summer time! It is nice to be getting out and doing things as a family. We are working hard on potty training. Liz and Zach are both working at it. Liz does a very good job. Unfortunately Zach has things a little backwards so we are working hard on getting them switched around. Alex is not interested at this time for potty training, which I will not push at this point and don't mind only working with two. It is exhausting to say the least, but I know the payoff is going to be great so it keeps me motivated. Big beds are working out great...I would say the kids are sleeping better. A few mornings ago the kids told me 'don't want momma, don't want' referring to their bedrails, so I took them down. Liz's were put back up after the first night with them off as she fell out twice and has hardwood floors, Alex's was put back on last night as he fell out once and had two close calls but will be taken off again soon and Zach's is still down. We also started hanging out with my co-worker's twin daughters. They will be our babysitters. So far it has gone well and we will be doing the first them alone with the kids after they return from vacation. Even though it is scary, it also feels good to know we will have someone besides family to watch them and maybe, just maybe get out for some alone couple time. We have an exciting weekend coming up, which we have been looking forward to for a long time. Well I think that should be all that has happened recently. I have attached some candid pictures taken in the last 2 weeks.
Love, Jen
Zach getting in trouble for playing with the reclining part of the you tell he has tuned me out? Just so you know the shirt says monster in training...ayup!
Liz sporting her piggy tails...
Love, Jen
Zach getting in trouble for playing with the reclining part of the you tell he has tuned me out? Just so you know the shirt says monster in training...ayup!
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