An exciting end to the week. We made a trip to Montfort to see Jeremy's family as well as taking part in some activities. We left on Friday. It was soooo nice to pack booster seats, no meal stuff, no nuks, no sheets or blankets and no pack n plays. The kids each had their own bag which held their sleeping bags and a few favorite stuff animals. We got into town and visisted Papa on the farm...checked out those baby kitties again and fed the cows some corn. We headed to the house and played outside for a while. Bedtime was tough. Due to a late supper once the kids finished eating (which they did not eat well) they were ready for bed...of course this was just as mommy and daddy filled their plates to eat. After an hour and 45 minutes we finally had them sleeping. Ugh! Overtiredness, new sleeping arrangements, different house...all played a part. They actually did sleep fine once they were out. The following day's nap and bedtime did go better. Saturday morning we participated in a walk. Although the weather did not want to cooperate we were able to finish most of it. We were able to eat out Saturday night with Great Grandpa, Julie and Nana. Sunday was exciting. Daddy decided to have everyone go down to the chicken BBQ to help Nana. It is always a little weird having all eyes watching us. I find it easiest to try to ignore it and look away. The kids got to help carry some bags back to the house. After lunch we played. The parade did not start until 2. We were unsure of pushing the kids that far but in the end decided to have the kids in the parade. Papa was pretty proud to have his 6 grandkids riding in a wagon behind his Old John Deere AR. The kids helped the girls throw out some freezy pops. Luckily we had no meltdowns! We got on the road 1 1/2 hours past their naptime. Within moments Liz and Zach were out and Alex shortly after them. The ride was quiet for the most part. So sleeping bags were a success and their first time in a parade was a success. I have included pictures from the weekend as well as some misc. ones from the week.
Ok, everyone smile...try to look at mommy.

Alex showing Zach some love...

Goofy girl...

Liz showing Alex some love.

Their favorite game is to use daddy as a jungle gym.

Alex using daddy as a recliner...yes his arms were up with his hands behind his head..he was comfy.

Liz bouncing on daddy's chest even after being told not to...that would be what the grin is
Liz and Zach helping daddy up; Alex working to keep him down.

Daddy giving them a bear hug.

4 against 1...not good odds for Roxy!

"We do it, we do it" is what we hear when it is time to brush teeth.

Rub a dub dub, three cuties in the tub...

Bathtime pictures were a lot easier to take and get all three looking nice when they were babies.

Liz liking the new sleeping arrangements.
The three monsters trying to get ready for bed...
Alex enjoying himself playing on the tractor...

Liz hammin it up on Papa's tractor...

Zach checking out Papa John Deere tractor...what does this lever do?!?!?

Daddy chillin with the kids prior to the smiles given.

Daddy and the kids...

The Drury cousins..L to R...Mackenzie, Madalyn, Morgan

Papa with his 6 Little Deeres

Jeremy, the kids and the girls.

Alex ready for a new adventure.

Liz looking a little tired, but were only moments from the start.

Zach on the wagon right before we started on the parade route.
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