I am working on updating the blog...design, colors, layout, gadgets and more. Please bear with me as I do this. Check often to see the updates! Thanks, Jen :)

Thursday, April 30, 2009


With a trip out of town fast approaching, we did some haircuts. Last night mommy cut daddy's hair and tonight the kids were up. First I buzzed Zach again and then decided the only way I will find out if Alex looks good buzzed too was to do it. It is only hair and will grow back, so Alex took his place...here is the before....
...and the after...with his hair being tinner and lighter the bizz cut made it look like he was bald again. We do like it and will probably keep it like this for now.
Well the haircuts did not stop there. After I finished with Alex, Liz turned her back to the sink, asked for up and said my turn, my turn. I was planning on doing anything to her hair so I was a little unprepared. So at first I was just going to pretend...then figured I could use the hair trimmer on her bangs...so she got a very small haircut...
My next job beautician??? Ok not really...it is tougher than it looks, that is what we buzz only...lol.
Love, Jen

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

We WON!!!

There are a few fellow families with triplet blogs that I follow. One of them the mommy has started a business from home. When I check her personal blog then I also check her business blog. She was doing a giveaway of bows, so I entered. I never win anything! Low and behold we won! I finally put one in and took some pictures. Liz was not the most enthused about it and it did not stay in long. With her hair getting longer and longer, I am able to do more. See she can be a girlie girl.

So here is our diva later in the day...yes she is stuck under the chair...isn't she just so precious!
Hope you enjoyed!
Love, Jen

Tuesday, April 28, 2009


It has been two weeks since I have done photos and updates, so a good place to start is some candid shots from the past two weeks. I put a total of 11 posts so you will have to hit 'older posts' at the bottom to see them all. Last one is 'Look at me' post.
Roxy wanted to get comfy. so she jumped into on of the kids chairs. They absolutely hate when she does this. Usually they tell her to get out and try to push her out, but this time Zach decided to get cozy wit her...she looks thrilled, doesn't she?!?!
Liz LOVES to swing. When we first go out to the playyard tis is what she does for awhile before getting down to play. Here she is looking back at me while swinging.
Boys taking a break from playing for a morning snack outside...gotta dig the shades!
Our little cowgirl...helping mommy with supper.
One pair is just not enough for Zach.
Zach looking innocent, but what he is really doing is playing in the dirt and getting dirty! :)
Alex checking out what to play with next.
Liz attempting a sommersault...
and Zach copying. Monkey see, monkey do!
The gang wrestling/playing with couch cushions/giggling.
Zach chillin'.
Zach trying a small dog water dish on as a hat.

Cleaning the playyard

We have been trying to get outside every chance we get...if the weather would be a little more consistant it would help. On Friday the 17th it was beautiful outside. After daddy got home from work mommy started supper as he put the kids to work...cleaning their playyard. Daddy would do the raking and then the kids would take their shovels and dump it into the wheelbarrow.
Here they are working hard...at least the boys are...Liz is perfecting the supervisor role...lol!
Zach making a trip to the wheelbarrow.
Alex taking a large shovel full...easy does it...
and dumping...about half went in.
Even with their little shovels and some missed shots into the wheelbarrow they did complete the task. They LOVE helping daddy.
Love, Jen

Shopping anyone?

As most of you probably know, I love rummage sales. Well I also love Craigslist (CL). While the kids were napping I was checking CL and found a tricycle and a shopping cart...I emailed the seller and made an offer...within an hour of posting the ad, it was sold...to me! After the kids woke from their nap we made a little trip across town to pick them up...we did end up with more things as the seller had more toys to sell. The kids were outside so they did not get play until after dinner and before bathtime. They love pushing each other around, even though sometimes it has me cringing.
Liz watching Alex trying to get Zach over the small bump between the kitchen and dining room...
Alex pushes Zach away from the door...
Zach pulling Alex away from the cabinet he just pushed him into...

Daddy duck

Ever seen a momma duck with her babies following her...here is the daddy version with triplets...

A new beginning

Saturday the 18th after I got home from work and the kids woke up we headed outside. Only problem we had is they wanted to be with daddy and helping him rather then in the playyard. Jeremy was working on transplanting some tress in our yard, so they joined in. I swear Jeremy could have spent the day just walking back and forth across the yard and they would have followed, no questions asked.
Here they are following daddy to get the second tree...note that everyone is carrying something.
Them watching daddy dig the tree out of the peonies...
Alex was in charge of the tree...
Zach insisted in carrying a rake even though it was not needed...
Liz was dragging the shovel...
Although it took longer than it would have f daddy did it himself...it was so nice to watch the kids help.
First you have to dig a whole...
then you plant the tree and put dirt back in...
and after watering the tree you get to wash your hands in the leftover water.
These kids were dirt from head to toe and loving every minute of it. We transplanted three trees that afternoon...the kids had a hand in them all.
Love, Jen

Crazy Drivers

These kids just go nuts when they have only a diaper on (or are naked). They keep us laughing all the time. Tonight their craziness was with the ride on toys. Around and around they went. Just giggling. I have some of these episodes on tape and maybe one day I will load one on here cuz the pictures just don't do it justice.
Alex (he gave imself bruised ankles with the crazy driving he was doing)
Liz laughing (probably cuz her shades are upside down)
Zach with his shades
Alex and Liz
Zach and Liz

4 times....

Four times the playing...

Four times the resting...

four times the time outs...lol.
The first picture of the kids playing the sandbox for the first time this year. It was still pretty wet but I finally gave in and let them play...we ended up with sand EVERYWHERE.
The second picture is what it looks like to have all four of them lay down. This has been happening alot in the morning where one will say nite-nite and go lay on the couch which leads to them all doing it. They never sleep and it does not last long, but cute none the less.
The finally picture is what it looks like to have them all in time-out at once. Yes they were all naughty and needed to sit. I know, I am big meanie!
Love, Jen

Lunch Outdoors

This last Friday I decided to take the kids outside a little close to lunch time, so I decided to serve lunch outside for the first of probably many times. The kids enjoyed it immensely!
Alex and Liz
Zach and Lexi