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Monday, October 6, 2008

I am JUST a stay at home mom...

This post is not about the kids. It is about me or rather being a stay at home parent. A few days ago someone made a comment to me that reminded me that some people still think that being a stay at home mom/dad means eating bon-bons/chips, watching soap operas/ESPN & a ton of "free time" and that it is not a "real job". So on behalf of myself and all the other SAHM & SAHD out there here are the realities of our job: we work for no pay, we get no sick days or vacation days, we work 24 hours a day 7 days a week, our job is constantly changing, and many titles such as activities coordinator, chef, nurse, laundry attendant, teacher, accountant, meal planner, inventory clerk, purchaser, housekeeper, and many, many more. Would you take a job that description was the above? To be a SAHM/SAHD you have to be completely unselfish, able to multi-task, be able to work under some harsh conditions, be able to know a little bit about everything, etc.
As for me, I would not change a thing! I love my job! I took this job knowing that it is not easy or glamorous. It is more rewarding than most jobs (in my opinion). I am glad I put my career on hold and would stand behind and support my children if they decided to be stay at home parents.
So if you know a SAHM or SAHD please don't talk to them as if they are not important or talk down to them or over them. They have a REAL job and have the ability to hold a conversation. We are educated and have opinions.
Just think before you speak because words do hurt.
Thank you,
Jen who is happy to be "just" a stay at home mom

PS Stay tuned for first haircut pictures...will be happening this week!!!


Anonymous said...

AMEN SISTER!!!! You hit it on the head with this journal entry and I loved every word of it too!!! We ARE very important as SAHM and don't you forget it PEOPLE!

Your sister in Christ,

Sara Strange

Sara said...

I really appreciate your comments.

When I say I am JUST a stay at home mom, I mean it. I'm proud of being just a stay at home mom, I'll be more later when the kids don't need me so much. Until then I am a very proud stay at home mom.

Please visit our site on how big my mouth really is when it comes to choice.
