I must say today felt excellent walking in the clinic...YES walking...all of us. Let me just take a small walk (no pun intended) down memory lane. The first few times we went to the doctor went something like this...Jeremy carrying the boys in their carriers and me carrying Liz in her carrier. Carriers were not too heavy as the kids were still under 7#. Due to the fear of the kids catching something we kept them as close to us as we could, letting onlookers look at a distance. The next few visits after that went the same carrying in process as before but now they are getting heavy and we walked in as fast as we could to put them down. Still protective of them, but more relaxed about onlookers. We then graduated to carrying the kids in with no carriers. We would then sit them on our laps so they could look around. Then today, walking in on their own and playing with the toys in the waiting room...oh it felt good...development is so amazing!
Ok back to the good stuff. I think it will be easiest to go kid by kid. So as always Mr. Alexander is first up. Alex is weighing in at an impressive 23.8# (25th percentile). He is 34" tall (90th percentile). I must brag for a moment as Alex did a wonderful job...due to his stranger anxiety, which is 100% better, a normal doctor visit included some crying...well the only crying that was done at this one was for a short time after his shots. I am SO proud! His speech development is at where it should be for his corrected age. We are watching this closely. His gross motor skills are right on for his real age. I had a few concerns 1) a birthmark that was not there at birth - turns out to be an "acquired" birthmark. 2) lumps on his neck - turns out to be his lymph nodes. 3) his knee still pops - he will eventually out grow it. All nothing to be concerned about.
Next up, Ms. Elizabeth...she has done it...she has past 20#...she is now weighing in at 21.6# (12th percentile) and is 33 1/4" tall (90th percentile). She is also on track for speech based on her adjusted age. Gross motor skills are on track for real age. She still has low tone but it is MUCH better. Concerns we had for her were 1) her head being oblong - she will hopefully grow out of it soon. 2) swallowing food without chewing - not a oral adversion, probably just hungry. 3) her "W" sitting - pediatrician does not like this and we need to keep on her and correct her sitting. Again, nothing major.
Finally, Mr. Zachary...he weighed in at 23.6# (25th percentile) and is 33 3/4" tall (90th percentile). Zach is still a little behind on speech even at his corrected age, so we will continue to keep an eye on this and continue to work with him. His gross motor skills are excellent, in fact you could almost say too good (just joking ;)). One of the big concerns I had for him was him being so clumsy. Now it is an inherited trait from me and his Grandma Turner (those of you that know us, will completely understand), but I wanted to make sure it was "normal". Apparently because his gross motor skills are so developed, his body has a hard time catching up, so that is why he trips, falls, etc...his mind is working so fast! Other concerns we had for him turned out to be planter warts on his foot which I will treat; he is not stiff like I thought he might be - ped was happy with his flexibility; and pigeoned toed is normal toddler walk. So nothing that is not normal or treatable.
Overall the pediatrician continues to be amazed with them and how well we handle being parents of mulitples. So I am going to toot our own horns. The pediatrician was majorly impressed that the kids could take their shirts off (normal 2 year old milestone) and that they could do sommersaults (normal 3 year old milestone)...no I cannot take credit for either of those things...that is all daddy's doing. So WAY TO GO DADDY!!! And to toot my own horn...the pediatrician said that she can tell I am devoted to the kids not just the normal feeding & changing but that I work with them for their development. It is always nice to hear that my hard work is noticed...so TOOT, TOOT for me!!! LOL!!!
Well I hope I did not miss anything as I have had a migraine all day. If there is anything that does not make sense please do not hesitate to ask me.
Love, Jen

1 comment:
You go right ahead & TOOT your horn- you & those little miracles deserve ALL the praise!!! Actually, I am NOT the least bit surprised-LOVE the pics & the new features. Thanks for being my friend on Facebook!! Imagine that... I hope to see you guys soon-I'll email you! Hugs & kisses all around-God's blessings, Teri
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