Here they are....round 3 of pictures. took two days of working on getting them -downloading them onto the computer, then downloaded on here and labeling them not to mention countless interruptions from the sick ones. Most of these were taken the 'old fashion' way - with film!!! Jeremy says I wore out our digital camera so we spent most of September without one. But that did not stop me!!! ;) There were 171 photos from September, thank goodness for digital cameras!!! :) Call me nuts(I know I am), but I don't want to miss anything! Hope you enjoy them. I will get round #4 on as soon as I can. The kids are starting to feel better so we can maybe get back to our schedule (I would sure like that!).
Love, Jen

9/5/07 Liz is exhausted after PT (physical therapy)

9/6/07 A showdown between Alex and Baylee. I think Alex won.

9/7/07 A view from above a triplet meeting

Aren't they cute little feet!!!

9/8/07 See we can all hold our own bottles.

9/10/07 Three heads better than one?!?!?

9/11/07 Daddy, Zachary and Lucky chillin'

9/11/07 Zach, Liz and Alex after morning nap.

9/12/07 Trips enjoying morning playtime in one of few matching outfits.

9/12/07 Liz trying to fit 2 toys in her mouth.

9/12/07 Daddy, Liz and Zach after feeding before bed.

9/13/07 Liz knocked out watching Baby Einstein.

9/13/07 Bumbo time

9/14/07 We barely all fit on this chair.

9/15/07 The boys at Grandma and Grandpa's
Liz at Grandma and Grandpa's
9/16/07 Mommy and the trips before bed.

9/16/07 Zach LOVES his feet!!

9/19/07 Liz and Lucky

9/19/07 Zach showing Liz his feet (he's very proud).

9/20/07 The trips enjoying playtime on the floor.
9/23/07 Liz with Nana

9/23/07 Alex with Papa

9/24/07 Alex holding both his bib and his bottle - he is a very talented child!!!

9/24/07 The boys getting cleaned up. Zach LOVES the duckies!!!

9/27/07 Daddy and Zach

9/27/07 Mommy and Alex's self portrait.

Mommy and Liz's self portrait
Mommy and Zach's self portrait

Trips playing with their LEGOS

Look at these handsome boys.

9/27/07 Daddy taking the boys to bed...nighty, night.

9/28/07 The trips doing their favorite thing...exersaucers.



9/28/07 Alex making fish lips

9/29/07 We have found nipples for thicker liquids so we can now use our big bottles. And they can hold them too.

That's all for September. Check back for October pictures.
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