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Tuesday, May 15, 2007

A post from Mom

Hello Everyone!!! I have found a brief moment to update everyone on how things are going.

The household is still chaotic but an 'organized' chaos.....if there can be such a thing. We have a little bit of a routine but that can change very quickly. We have 6 feedings a day - early morning (2/3am), mid morning (6/7am), late morning (10/11am), early afternoon (2/3pm), early eveing (6/7pm) and late night (10/11pm). Feedings still take about 2 hours to do.

Nighttimes are the worse time for us.....some days I dred nighttime. Mid-morning/early afternoon are our best times. So during the night I try to tell myself that the good time is almost here...it helps some times. At this point the kids have not shown their true colors to anyone but us. Yes that is right, they have been little angels everytime we have visitors. One day they will show others how well they behave without visitors.

My mom and sister have been my life savers - mom has come over on a drop of a dime to help feed or give me a moment to shower. Jean has helped me get a little more sleep by taking care of feedings. Jean, my friend Kristin and my aunt Deb have helped me feel a little normal by cleaning my house. It is amazing that vacuumed floors can make a person feel so good.

I am doing good as a stay at home mom. I have learned a lot in a short amount of time. Sleep is not happening as often as I (and my body) would like. I am getting 2 to 3 hours total during the night. And yes I have fallen a sleep feeding as well as pumping. I catch a meal here and there, not at normal meal times. Thank goodness I have such a good family and friends that have made us meals. Without them I think we would be living on whatever finger food I have in the house.

I had a great first Mother's day. My niece, Alexis, got baptized. I am her Godmother. So I got out for a few hours...and yes, Jeremy did just fine home by himself. The kids and Jeremy got me a beautiful sterling silver necklace with 3 pendants with the kids' birthstones.

The kids had there first outdoor experience on Saturday. They helped me clean the pond so the darn fish can finally get back outside. Although it was a little nerve wrecking experience (for mom), I think they enjoyed it...it was a beautiful day!!

The kids are still sleeping. I was very lucky today to have Kristin come over. She brought me lunch and let me take a nap while she did the early afternoon feeding. She has triplets and knows exactly what I am going through. She says that this is the worst part so it should get better not worse from here.

Well that is all I can think of for now. I am going to try to get something done while it is still quiet here. I am checking my email and trying to respond in a reasonable amount of time, so I do have some communication to the outside world. :)

From a mom enjoying every moment of parenthood,

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