Hello all! Sorry we haven't posted any pictures recently, it's been a whirlwind past two weeks. I've tried the last three days to make time just to get the pictures downloaded off the camera and I've finally got it done. Anyhooooo...here are a bunch of recent pictures of the kids - some after Alex came home and others now that all are home.
Here's Judy and Alex, Judy was Alex's primary nurse and one of our favorites in the NICU:

Alex ready to be discharged from the NICU:

Alex strapped in his carseat:

Alex saying goodbye to the NICU:

Baylee checking out Alex:

Baylee keeping a protective eye on Alex:

Alex in his new bathrobe (thanks Great Aunt Nan!) after his first bath at home:

Alex already has the Lenzendorf scowl down... :)

The back seat of the truck is loaded with kids!:
Kinda full back there... :)

Trips in their Moses baskets:

Zonked out after getting home:

The cribs in the final arrangement. It took a while to figure out the best way to maximize space.

Baylee (or Mother Hen as Jen calls him now) watching over the trips.

Your children are beautiful!! Congrats again. We wish you well. May you continue to be blessed.
All our love,
Denise Moose Brenna and Delaney
We are so happy to hear everyone is home safe and sound. I'm sure you have your hands full.
Take care and give give XOXO's to all.
Tracy, Kevin & Wyatt...Monte too!!!
We are so happy to hear everyone is home safe and sound. I'm sure you have your hands full.
Take care and give give XOXO's to all.
Tracy, Kevin & Wyatt...Monte too!!!
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