Yesterday afternoon I took the plunge...I took down the "fence" guarding the TV and other electronics. Zach had mastered getting over it within seconds and the two were working on getting over in less than 10 seconds. It had become an attraction to get mom's attention. So I took it down.
Now you may remember the "fence" as the "jail". It was the play yard we got for the kids a year ago. It kept them safe and sound and mommy sane! We had it orinigally on foam mats to make falls a little less hard. Once they grew out of the "jail" we used it as a "fence" in many different forms to protect things in the living room. It was the last thing we took down before giving the room to them. It then became the protector to the TV (our last thing in the room that is ours).
After I took it down I decided to put it in it's original form. The kids are loving it. No, it no longer keeps them in but it is great enjoyment for them. It takes up quite a bit of room so I am not sure how long we will let them use it, but for now it is their "house". They put their chairs in it, books, stuff animals, lego, balls, the baby in the stroller. They absolutely are loving it.
Before I put this post on I went back to posts done in October 2007 to find the pictures of them the first few times we used it as a "jail"...they have grown so much. What a year can do...growth AND hair!