Okay, this is the other part I wanted to add to the previous post. People have asked and/or wondered some of the following things, so I thought I would share with all of you the answers.
1. Do you have help during the day?
Nope, it is just me and the 2 dogs and 2 cats, which do not really contribute to helping but love to make more work for me. Gotta love 'em!!! :)
2. How do you do it?
To tell the truth, I am not completely sure. I do know that without the organization, schedule and routines I would probably be bald or need a rubber padded room or in the looney bin!!! If any of you have been around me and things happen out of the routine, I get a little stressed. Not only am I needing the structure but so do the kids. You can tell when something has happened that normally does not happen.
3. Do you enjoy being a mom?
Well of course. I did not fight for 6 years for nothing. Yes, even the bad moments are not so bad. When you have been faced with the possibility that you may never be a mom, you look at things A LOT differently. I tried not to complain while I was pregnant and I try not to complain about parenthood. It is a very tough job.
4. Are you getting enough sleep?
I am getting more sleep, is it enough- some mornings yes, other mornings no. It all depends on how many times they are up during the night and what kind of day we have had. The kids have been sleeping thru the night for some time. Their schedule now is bedtime is about 10pm and they wake about 8am. Sometimes they are up about 5 or 6am to get a diaper change but that is getting to be less and less. We are really blessed to have good sleepers. Somedays I wonder how I ever did it on 2 to 3 hours of broken sleep! :)
5. How big are they?
Well we have not had an official weight recently but I weighed them on the scale with me and the boys were about 14 pounds and Liz was about 12 pounds. We just went thru a size change which was a challenge, so they are currently in size 3-6 months. We have been blessed with so many donations of clothing - the kids have very nice wardrobes. Thank you to each and every person that have given clothing to the kids, all is very appreciated!!!
6. Are you going back to work?
I had my official first day back this last Saturday. I looked forward to it. Seeing other adults was very nice. I remembered most everything. There were a few things I was fuzzy on but nothing too serious, little stupid stuff. :) I am hoping to put in a Saturday here and there.
7. What thing do you dislike the most?
I absolutely could do without cutting fingernails and toenails. I worry so much about cutting them and feel awful when I get one too short. Not to mention I have 60 to cut!! :(
8. What is the thing you like best?
One on one time with each child. It does not happen as often as I would like but it is amazing to have a little conversation with them. Having them look at me like I am their world.
9. How have I changed?
Too many ways to list but I have three main hair dos - piggy tails, pony tail, or back with a scrunchy; I usually get spit on once a day and need to change; my daily things to do list is very short and even then it sometimes does not get done; I don't worry as much about my house being clean; and I don't take little things for granted; but it is all worth it!!!
10. Do you want visitors?
Yes, most definitely!!! We want to introduce the kids to everyone. It will help socialize them as well. All we ask is to let us know when you would like to stop by.
Hope you enjoyed this post I enjoyed writing it. The pictures will be the next post, I promise. :)